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Keywords: The Financial


    Lonely lament of a stay-at-home mum

    • Suvi Mahonen
    • 01 June 2016

    'Hi,' the text began. 'Just letting you know there's no pilates tonight. We're all going to The Hub to C an indie music jam. C U next week?' I put my phone down and stared numbly around my kitchen. Dirty dishes jammed the sink. My toddler's banana was smeared all over the fridge door, but I couldn't gather the energy to wipe it clean. I knew I was lucky to have everything I'd worked for - family, a new apartment, financial stability - but I also knew I had never felt so lonely. 'C U next week.'


    Election budget fiddling

    • John Warhurst
    • 06 May 2016

    It was a political budget in a special sense, given the forthcoming election. Yet it turned out to be neither an election-winning nor election-losing budget. It was more continuity than change. In that sense it probably was the best the government could hope for given the nation's economic and financial circumstances. However it falls far short of the sort of budget that might have been expected from a prime minister like Malcolm Turnbull whose image is one off a 'big picture man'.


    The bleeding obvious about homelessness

    • John Falzon
    • 30 March 2016

    The Prime Minister wants us to be clever. Well how about we make sure everybody's got a place to call home? The problem of homelessness and the shortage of social and affordable housing is so huge that we need a massive solution and a massive financial commitment if we want to lay claim to being civilised and fair, let alone smart and innovative. This is why, among things such as reforms to negative gearing and capital gains tax, we need a $10 billion social and affordable housing fund.


    Labor's negative gearing heroics alone won't save us

    • David James
    • 26 February 2016

    It is not often that federal political parties exhibit courage. Labor's decision to change the rules on negative gearing is a rare instance. It targets what is most dangerous and unfair in our financial system. Expect howls of protests from powerful lobby groups if it ever looks like becoming policy. But these changes alone won't be enough to deal with the ills of the financial system. While they are designed to target the bias away from productive investment, they won't remove the attraction towards property.

  • Christmas Raffle 2015 - Winners

    • Staff
    • 08 December 2015

    The Society of Jesus in Victoria, Jesuit Communications Christmas Raffle 2015 was drawn on Tuesday 8 December 2015 (Permit No 10861/15 issued 18 August 2015). Congratulations to the winners: 1st prize: T. Fogarty, VIC; 2nd prize: C. McHardy, NSW; 3rd prize: C. Walsh, NSW; 4th prize: G. Day, NSW Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas raffle. If you missed the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets but would like to support us financially, please consider making a donation.


    Chinese economy a work in progress

    • David James
    • 14 September 2015
    1 Comment

    The recent ructions in the Chinese stock market set off great consternation in global financial markets, but for the most part this was a display of ignorance. One of the reasons China’s influence on global markets has been so beneficial, since at least 2007, is that its economy and financial markets are so different.

  • Winter Raffle 2015 - Winners

    • Staff
    • 02 July 2015

    The Society of Jesus in Victoria, Jesuit Communications Winter Raffle 2015. Drawn on Thursday 2 July 2015 (Permit No 10187/15 issued 23 February, 2015) Congratulations to the winners:1st prize: A Hannan, VIC2nd prize: J Bowskill, QLD3rd prize: A Twigg, VIC4th prize: K Haines, VIC Thank you to everyone who supported our Winter raffle. If you missed the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets but would like to support us financially, please consider making a donation.


    Dubious revolutionary Russell Brand takes it to the banks

    • Tim Kroenert
    • 18 June 2015

    Few would deny the comedian and self-styled revolutionary has fire in his belly. He wonders why, in the wake of recent financial crises, more bankers have not gone to prison. These are salient questions, and Brand doesn't baulk. But there is a touch of Bono about Brand: wealthy and egotistical, you have to wonder how much of his invective against 'the one per cent' is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.


    Fossil fuel divestment economics in line with morality

    • Michael Mullins
    • 01 June 2015

    The Norwegian Parliament has just ordered its $A1.15 trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund to divest from coal. This represents the largest single divestment from fossil fuels in human history, and our biggest sign yet that the age of coal is over and the financial case for investing in fossil fuels is likely to disintegrate. Australia will crash and burn both economically and morally if we do not follow suit.


    'Single person household' slight on working poor

    • Brian Lawrence
    • 14 April 2015

    A fair minimum wage has to be fair to workers with family responsibilities, many of whom are currently working poor and living in poverty. But in its 2014 Annual Wage Review decision, the Fair Work Commission  decided that the 'appropriate reference household for the purposes of setting minimum wages is the single person household'. This was the first time in more than a century of minimum wage setting that an industrial tribunal has decided that minimum wages should exclude the needs of the low paid with families.

  • The questionable good that our public policy serves

    • Elenie Poulos
    • 02 April 2015

    Humans have always pursued wealth and the power it affords, but only relatively recently has the world itself become organised around the service of that wealth. The systems and structures which define the way our world works are financial, geared to the making of profit. They are global and buoyed by governments whose domestic and foreign policies ensure their support. ‘Social good’ and the ‘common good’ are assumed to be economic neoliberalism, and what’s in the ‘public interest’ is whatever advances the neoliberal economic agenda.  


    The financial crisis the Government wants us to have

    • Colin Long
    • 09 February 2015

    The Coalition Government falsely claims that Medicare co-payments and cuts to welfare and publicly funded institutions such as the CSIRO and the ABC are necessary to 'fix Labor's mess'. There are indeed structural problems with the economy, but essentially the plan is to strip the public sector by cutting universal access to a range of services that also includes tertiary education, to create a dominant free market that marginalises Australians on low incomes.